Lip Service Survivor - Week Two Results

Week Two saw the more eliminations to the poor Spring 2004 and 2005 catalogs while the Fall 2004 classics continued to hold strong. The line more voted for in Fall 2004 classics was Lolita's Pop, but it wasn't quite enough (in fact it was considerably lower) to get eliminated - so far, that catalog maintains a perfect record of not losing any lines. We also had a three way tie for 10th place, and because of this all three lines were eliminated. We're down to 46 lines left!

But who was voted out? Let's see!

#10 (tie)

(Bonus Elimination)



Fetish 2005

Received 3.06% of the votes

#10 (tie) 4 Way Gang Bang


Fetish 2005

Received 3.06% of the votes

#10 (tie) Team Bondage


Fetish 2004

Received 3.06% of the votes

#8 Hellbent for Speed


Fall Originals 2004

Received 3.21% of the votes

#7 Sweet Sinner Sweats


Spring 2005

Received 3.35% of the votes

#6 King's Leopard


Fall Originals 2004

Received 3.49% of the votes

#5 Pissed & Proud


Spring 2004

Received 3.63% of the votes

#4 Mile High


Spring 2004

Received 4.04% of the votes

#3 Greaser Seduction


Spring 2005

Received 4.18% of the votes

#2 Drastik Plastik (I)


Fetish 2004

Received 4.32% of the votes

#1 Skate Punx


Summer 2004

Received 4.74% of the votes

Overall, the votes were pretty much across the board in week 2, with nearly every collection losing at least one line :

Spring 2005: 2 lines
Spring 2004: 2 lines
Fetish 2005: 2 lines
Fall Classics 2004: 2 lines
Fetish 2004: 2 lines
Summer 2004: 1 line
Fall Originals 2004: 0 lines

The following lines were on the chopping block in WEEK ONE, not getting eliminated but having the next highest amount of votes. The lines highlighted in green are the ones that actually got voted out in Week Two:

LS Daggers, Skate Punx, Drastik Plastik I, Team Bondage, Risen from the Ashes, King's Leopard, Lolita's Pop, Greaser Seduction, Black Dog Sweaters, and and Road to Ruin Fur.

In Week Two, the following lines (in no order) were the next 10 receiving the highest amount of votes:

Slash and Burn, LS Daggers,, Road to Ruin Fur, Maximum Punk, Fashist Fishnet Prints, Satin Persuasions, Lolita's Pop, Black Dog Sweaters and Hollywood Geisha.

Can they hold on for one more round? Will the Spring 2005 catalog be put out of its misery? Will the Fall Classics catalog finally lose a line? Be sure to head over to the main game page and get your votes in for the current round!

Other Useless Trivia:

What are the percentage of votes that came in for each line? Glad you asked! Here's the breakdown:

Fall Originals 2004: 19.40% of the total votes
Summer 2004: 17.29% of the total votes
Spring 2004: 15.90% of the total votes
Fetish 2004: 15.62% of the total votes
Fall Classics 2004: 12.27% of the total votes
Spring 2005: 11.15% of the total votes
Fetish 2005: 8.37% of the total votes

Most liked lines so far (based on least amount of votes received this round):

Achtung Playtime
Belladonna's Boudoir
Psycho Circus II
Thrill Kill Twill
Lick my Lycra (I)
Stretch Twill Jeans
Bound and Gagged
Old Faithfuls
Work Detail
Flowers of Evil
Fash-ist Fishnet
Black Metal
Vagabond Goths
Patent Vinyl and Vegi Leather Classics
State of Constriction III

Line receiving the most votes per Catalog:

Spring 2004: Mile High (Runner up: Pissed & Proud)
Summer 2004: Skate Punx (Runner up: LS Daggers)
Fetish 2004: Drastik Plastik I (Runner up: Team Bondage)
Fall Classics 2004: Fash-ist Fishnet Prints (Runner up: Lolita's Pop)
Fall Originals 2004: King's Leopard (Runner up: Hellbent 4 Speed)
Spring 2005: Greaser Seduction (Runner up: Sweet Sinner Sweats)
Fetish 2005: Japan-a-mator (Runner up: 4 Way Gang Bang (tie) )

Total lines remaining per Catalog:

Spring 2004: 4 (of 9 lines) survived at the end of week two
Summer 2004: 9 (of 11 lines) survived at the end of week two
Fetish 2004: 8 (of 11 lines) survived at the end of week two
Fall Classics 2004: 14 (of 14 lines) survived at the end of week two
Fall Originals 2004: 6 (of 8 lines) survived at the end of week two
Spring 2005: 2 (of 8 lines) survived at the end of week two
Fetish 2005: 3 (of 6 lines) survived at the end of week two



That's it for now! Thanks for playing Lip Service Survivor and don't forget to vote in the current round!




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